Art Hop 2020

What a summer it’s been! As we see things opening back up and retuning to a ~ new normal ~ , I made the decision to join SEABA’s newly structured and virus conscious Art Hop 2020. With pieces in an online juried show, and studio visits by appointment, I hope that we all can come together (kind of) and appreciate the arts and all our wonderful local artists in the Vermont. This is all happening next weekend, September 11-13th!


My new studio is loving all the natural lighting and wall space the Vaults has. I hope you can stop by, or view all the pieces online! I want to engage with as many people as I can, in whatever way is most comfortable to you. Send me a message via email and we can schedule a time for you to come visit! If you want to stay home, we can figure out another way for you to be a part of this wonderful tradition in the South End in Burlington.


Hopefully I’ll see you soon!